29 08 2007


Well there was a lot of debate over who would win this one…. in the end I had to conclude it would be a draw as they both have thier own special moves and excuses…. whether the fight would even take place is another thing to consider as Paris would probably cry her way out of it and Lindsay would probably be whisked away to rehab for anger therepy….. our very first DRAW!!!!!

Paris Hilton VS Lindsay Lohan!

28 08 2007

Paris Hilton VS Lindsay Lohan

And so we’re now on to the battle of the ‘Super Brats’!………. Paris Hilton… she’s been to prison… cried her way out… and then went back again…. Famous for her ‘home’ videos!… She’s certainly a handful. Then again we have Lindsay Lohan…. Like Paris she likes to drink drive…. Has a bad drug habit and sports a fashionable LAPD tracking anklet… Let the bitch-fight begin!